About CIE

Private Candiate Registration

Enter all the required fields marked with an *
Note: There is a limit to the number of private candidates that Carey College can host

Full Name (to appear on Results Certificate): *
Parent/Guardian Name: *
Full Address (including Post Code): Contact Numbers:
Address 1: *
Address 2:
Suburb: *
City: *
Postcode: *
Home: *
E-mail: *
Re-enter E-mail: *
Upload copy of approved Formal Photo ID: *
Gender: * Male   Female Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy): *

Centre Name: *
Private Candidates/guardians are not to contact the host examination centre.
Have you taken Cambridge examinations before?
If YES, please provide your previous centre number and candidate number *
Yes   No
Centre Number: Candidate Number:
I declare that the photo identification uploaded belongs to this registered candidate

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