About CIE

University of Cambridge International Examinations

Cambridge offers a complete curriculum package, with examinations linked to support for both teachers and learners.

Cambridge was established in 1998 to provide high-quality, leading-edge qualifications that would meet the demands of employers and educators the world over.

CIECambridge is characterised by international currency, benchmarking of standards, a 'gold standard'; transparency in reporting outcomes, backed by research; and flexibility in what is offered, including the possibility of customising syllabuses for local conditions.

Cambridge recognises that not all that is important in education is testable. Cambridge qualifications offer a wide diversity of options and pathways, reflecting the need for individualised learning strategies.

Cambridge syllabuses and assessments aim to encourage independent learning, self-reliance, problem-solving and enquiry-based approaches to teaching and learning - not rote-learning the facts.

Recently, Cambridge launched the Cambridge International Primary Programme for students in Years 1 to 6 and soon after, the Cambridge Lower Secondary Programme for students in Years 7-9. This programme leads to IGCSE.

Cambridge’s international A and AS Levels satisfy the entry criteria for every university around the world and are equal in value to UK A and AS Levels. They are recognized by universities in NZ, Australia, Canada, UK (including Oxford and Cambridge) as well as throughout the European Union.  In the USA they are accepted by all Ivy League universities (such as Harvard) and can earn students course credits up to one full year of credit. Cambridge publishes comprehensive lists of all institutions that recognize its qualifications, including details about entry criteria and the grades needed for entrance.

Click here to visit the Cambridge web site.

Cambridge Assessment

Cambridge Assessment has developed and promoted qualifications around the world for over 150 years. During this time it has seen the need for internationally recognized qualifications continue to grow. Over 8 million candidates in more than 150 countries now take Cambridge Assessment’s examinations and tests each year.

Cambridge is part of Cambridge Assessment where it operates alongside OCR (which provides examination and assessment services in the UK) and Cambridge ESOL (which delivers a portfolio of qualifications in English for Speakers of Other Languages).

Cambridge Assessment, a department of the University of Cambridge, is a not-for-profit organization and a leading centre for research into assessment and education.

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